Monday, February 28, 2011
While traversing through Lucca’s cobblestone streets, I lost my lingerie. Yes, my pajamas. Now, the word lingerie is dressing it up a bit (I just like the alliteration). Really, I’m a single gal who likes to be comfortable. So what we’re actually talking about here is a pair of black cotton warm-up pants that I’ve had for 10 years, a 2002 Chicago Symphony Orchestra on tour in Buenos Aries long sleeved t-shirt that I won in a sales contest, and a red tank top that I bought at Walgreens for $9.99. (Plus a dirty pair of scivies. Where does the word scivies come from? I don't know.)
You ask, when did I realize this? No, is wasn't while I was dashing madly in the rain to catch the cheapest train to Milan at 5:40 in the morning. No, not, when I stopped and opened my backpack to put on my White Sox rain poncho. No, not after going in a circle and making a few wrong turns. Did I mention the rain and the cobblestone streets with my roller suitcase? No, not while climbing the sidewalk up the 40 foot high wall that surrounds Lucca or down the stairs on the other side which I dragged my suitcase down. ~~And I never do that, drag my suitcase down the stairs. I always pick it up and carry it.~~ No, I didn’t notice it fall out as I was running in the underground corridor to track 6 to catch the train nor when I actually dropped my backpack and collapsed on the seat, panting with my Blackhawks championship t-shirt completely soaked in sweat. Not for the 10 minutes that I was sitting there reading, sweating and completely out of breath, and ignoring the weird stares from the other passengers in the car, 2 middle aged Italians. No, it was only after I paid the conductor for my ticket plus the 5 Euro surcharge and was gathering my stuff together to get off at Pisa Rossere did I notice. Aghhh!!! My bag was unzippered.
Frantically, I scrambled to remember what was missing. I had packed everything before going to sleep. All I could think of was my pajamas. Well, I was just telling my mom over Skype at the pizzeria with free wifi the night before about how I was tired of carrying so much stuff. Little did I know that I'd lighten my load and leave my lingerie in Lucca. Somewhere between the hostel and the train station lies my lingerie. Arrivedercie!